Bagenstose Family History
Darryl Dean Woodson
Ancestors (Direct Lineage) Born Died Birthplace
HANS ULRICH BACKENSTOSS 12-29-1726 12-24-1793
JOHANNES BACKENSTOSS 05-07-1764 02-07-1846
JACOB BAGENSTOS 10-24-1795 02-28-1836
HENRY L BAGENSTOS 12-18-1832 03-11-1872 Jackson Hall,Franklin Co.,PA
JOSEPH HARRISON BAGENSTOS 09-07-1865 07-14-1941 Belle Plaine,IA
EDNA MYRTLE BAGENSTOS 10-09-1897 02-25-1988 Holstein,IA

Text Source Abbrev.
main name Darryl Dean Woodso Main1993
Darryl Dean Woodson Adde2002
birth Alva.OK 10-29-1928 Main1993
other education A.H.S.1946.B.S. NE St. Col.1950,M.S. Phillips Univ.,Enid,OK 1956joined Nat. Guards 1948-unit sent to Korea1950,principal & Superintendent,retired 1989 with 35yrs. in public schools "
residence BellaVista.AZ Adde2002
marriage birth born Cherokee,OK10-19-1934 Main1993
married Alva,OK 12-21-1951 Hazel Ruby Schick "
parents Herman Robert Schick & w. Anita Louise Meier "
children 2 Children "
resided Garden Citv.KS "

Source Notes, References, Narrative Source Abbrev.
Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 1993 - Main Book Main1993
Addendum to Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 2002 Adde2002

Siblings Born Died Birthplace
Duane Lee Woodson 02-17-1923 Alva.OK.enlisted US Marines 1941,servedin Somoa.Tarrawa.his reserve unit called back 1949,served Korea,Okinawa,Vietnam,Capt.,retired 1975 after 30yrs
LeMoyne Dale Woodson 03-22-1926 Alva,OK

Children Born Died Birthplace
Douglas Greg Woodson 10-05-1954 Cherokee,OK ,DDS OK Univ. 1980, dentistOK City,OK
Darren Nate Woodson 09-26-1958 Syracuse,KS,DVM KS St.Univ. 1985,, 1990 with w. oper. animal clinic in Farmington

Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 1993 - Main Book - Page 47
G3. Darryl Dean Woodson

Addendum to Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 2002 - Page 47
G3. Darryl Dean Woodson