Bagenstose Family History
Ancestors (Direct Lineage) Born Died Birthplace
HANS ULRICH BACKENSTOSS 12-29-1726 12-24-1793
HENRY Y BACKENSTOSE 04-14-1765 04-29-1828
JACOB BACKENSTOSE 09-25-1796 06-14-1851

Text Source Abbrev.
main name HENRY BACKENSTO,(W Main1993
birth Dauphin Co.,PA10-31-1825 Main1993
Dauphin Co.,PA 10-31-1825 Adde2002
death 6-5-1915,at age8-10 earned money making broom-handles & whipstocks,educated in the subscription schools of Co.,at 16 he took charge of a thrashing machine which he followed for 6yrs Main1993
other 1-29-1826 went to OH 1831 with parents Adde2002
marriage birth born Butler Twp.,Richland Co.,OH 8-14-1827 Main1993
death 7-4-1890 "
married (l)Richland Co.,OH 10-28-1847 Sarah Clayburg/Clayberg/Clayburn "
parents Abraham of 1st settlers on Whetstone Creek,Richland Co "
children 9 Children, 4 living in 1880 "
marriage 2 birth born OH 5- -1833 "
married 5-20- 1891 Mrs. Catherine Crum "
children No Children. The following excerpts from,"Centennial Biographical History of Richland & Ashland Counties,Ohio":" . . . soon after "
marriage 3 married erected a log ca bin on his fathers farm, which stood in the midst of beech woods in what was then Blooming Grove Twp.,but later Butler Twp. He took his bride to this primitive home & began clearing the land for the plow. He inherited 80 acres when his father died & purchased the other 80 acres from his brother. As the years passed, he added to his farm, replacing the pioneer house with a commodious frame residence also erecting barns and other necessary outbuildings, and by turn of the century owned one of the most desirable & attractive properties in that section of the Co. He extended the boundaries until the farm comprised 200 acres of rich, arable land. In 1863 he mo ved to Shiloh, OH where he built a brick- block home in 1873. In 1867 sold farm --- his real estate transactions provided a good income. A bout 1885 was owner of a general mercantile store in Shiloh; his son was a partner & general mgr. A democrat & member of first council of Shiloh; served as a trustee of Cass & Butler Twps. Reported to be a man of sound judgement, possessing excellent business & executive ability,combined with resistless energy & resolute purpose "

Source Notes, References, Narrative Source Abbrev.
Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 1993 - Main Book Main1993
Addendum to Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 2002 Adde2002

Siblings Born Died Birthplace
Female PA
MARY (POLLY) BACKENSTO 01-06-1821 09-15-1851
JACOB BACKENSO 07-04-1823 11-23-1896 PA
REBECCA BACKENSTO Dauphin Co.,PA7,Rafter 1901
DR JOHN P BACKESTO 11-03-1831 03-19-1890 PA
DANIEL BACKENSTO PA3 - listed as minor in fathers estate

Children Born Died Birthplace
DORCAS BACKENSTO 11-07-1849 04-05-1918 OH
MALVINA BACKENSTO 09-17-1851 09-15-1862 OH
AUGUSTA BACKENSTO 1853 OH,age 6 at 1860 census
ALBERT BACKENSTO 01-28-1857 02-27-1857 OH
WALTER J BACKENSTO OH8,age 2 at 1860 census
JOHN FRANK BACKENSTO 11-05-1921 Shiloh,OH1
CLEMENT L BACKENSTO 03-17-1865 04-26-1919 Shiloh,OH
SARAH (SADIE) LOUELLA BACKENSTO 11-07-1871 03-17-1956 Shiloh,OH

Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 1993 - Main Book - Page 123

Addendum to Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 2002 - Page 123