Bagenstose Family History
Kenneth P Sprout
Ancestors (Direct Lineage) Born Died Birthplace
HANS ULRICH BACKENSTOSS 12-29-1726 12-24-1793
JACOB BACKENSTOSS 09-25-1766 12-21-1841
JOHN BACKENSTOSS 10-23-1797 12-05-1881
WILLIAM HARRISON BACKENSTOES 09-15-1840 ,z/8-29-1914,6z/Bird- nagles Cem.with w
IDA CLARA BACKENSTOES 07-03-1868 01-20-1926 E.HanoverTwp.,PA
Berth Corrine Nye 03-15-1893 02-23-1983 Paxtonia.PA

Text Source Abbrev.
main name Kenneth P. Sprout Adde2002
Kenneth P. Sprout Main1993
birth 12-12-19??,US Army, 1st.Inf.,WWII,wounded in action in Germany 12-3-1944,rec. Purple Heart Adde2002
marriage 12-18 192 "
married Maybelle.nee Wagner "
children 2 Children "
2 Main1993
resided Lewistown,PA Adde2002

Source Notes, References, Narrative Source Abbrev.
Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 1993 - Main Book Main1993
Addendum to Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 2002 Adde2002

Siblings Born Died Birthplace
Pauline C Sprout 03-04-1944
Karl James Sprout 05-13-1928 Lewistown,PA

Children Born Died Birthplace
(unknown) Sprout
Fred Sprout

Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 1993 - Main Book - Page 139
G1. Kenneth P Sprout

Addendum to Backenstoss--Baggenstoss Family History - 2002 - Page 139
G1. Kenneth P Sprout